Black women

The most diverse, prettiest, underrated, and strongest group of women in the world. They usually look very young. Their skin color ranges from the dark black to white, even in Africa alone. Their hair texture ranges from kinky to curly to straight. Black women choose to straighten their hair because it is more manageable or they have been told by society that their natural hair is unprofessional. Now, most are choosing to wear their regal-like natural hair. Their eyes range from dark brown to light brown to green and in rare cases in some tribes of Africa, blue. Their body size range from slender to fat. Their noses range from flat to slender, despite past Europeans' claims that all Africans have flat noses which is not true. Although they have been attacked both racially and as women, raped by whites, abandoned by their kids' father, and constantly brought down by the media's depiction of them as fat, loud, and ghetto, black women have remained strong and make up two-thirds of black college undergrads. They are highly sought after in West European countries yet undervalued in the Americas because of the stigma from slavery and covert racism in the media. They have been reminded that they are worthless as women because they are far different from white women. But when white or non-black women have black features, they are usually idolized. White women get lip injections, tans, and buttocks implants to have what this group already has.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Black women. Some of the top words include: weave, pigganussy, persian, ashanti, bootyliscious, and 25 more.